Burnin rubber 3 shock
Burnin rubber 3 shock

  1. Burnin rubber 3 shock drivers#
  2. Burnin rubber 3 shock manual#

At this point, you have been indoctrinated into sled-pulling.Description from store Sky Roller is an interesting arcade game, you need to react quickly to pass each level and reach the goal. Once unhooked, drive forward slowly off the track amidst the cheering crowd and head into the pits. Now that you've just completed your first hook, it's time to unleash from the sled-slowly back up to the sled following the instructions of the track staff and wait to be unhooked. Do not hit the brakes while going down the track the weight transfer sled has a lot of momentum and will strike the back of your truck.

burnin rubber 3 shock

Once the flagger has signaled you to stop, ease off the throttle and apply the brakes once you have rolled to a stop. Keep your eyes centered on the track and watch for the flagger at the end of the track as you start to slow down. The short-lived high temperatures seen on your coolant temperature or EGT gauges are not likely to cause damage if your engine is in good working order. Now that you're rolling, as you go down the track, you will feel the truck working harder than it ever has before, but resist the temptation to stare at your gauges. Don't ride the clutch for more than a second or two unless you have an aftermarket clutch-just rev up the engine, dump the clutch, and floor it. This is the culmination of all your preparation and instruction, but try to keep the nerves icy cold and remember what you've learned.

Burnin rubber 3 shock drivers#

Automatic transmission drivers don't have to do much more than put it in Drive and slam the pedal to the metal.

Burnin rubber 3 shock manual#

Manual transmission drivers should not roll backward while raising engine rpm with the clutch disengaged. Watch the flaggers carefully and wait for both of them to signal with a green flag before proceeding. After the truck is hooked to the sled, you will be instructed to pull slightly forward to tighten the chain and stop.

burnin rubber 3 shock

They will inform you when it is safe for you to slowly pull out onto the track surface and begin backing toward the sled. Now that you are on-deck, follow the instructions of the flaggers and track officials.

burnin rubber 3 shock

If you grab a high gear and are displeased with the truck's performance, most rules specify that if you release the throttle before the 75-foot line, you will be permitted a second attempt at the discretion of the track officials. All transfer cases should be in Low-range, if so equipped. Since you are just starting out, select a low gear (numerically higher than 1.00:1) and take it easy. Gear selection is directly related to the amount of power you are putting to the ground. Selecting a proper transmission gear is easy if you do some quick research by asking other pullers with trucks similar in build to yours. Automatic transmission owners have fluid coupling inside the torque converter as a built-in fusible link that helps prevent shock-loading the drivetrain. With a large number of aftermarket clutches rated for pulling available on the market, this is one area manual transmission owners should invest some money. Pulling can outright destroy a brand-new factory clutch, if you are not careful. Manual transmissions themselves are usually built strong enough for pulling-the same can't be said for the clutches that drive them.

burnin rubber 3 shock

Depending on the age, type, and condition of your transmission there are a few things to remember. Pulling the sled is hard work, so you'd be best advised to perform preventative maintenance and top off all fluids beforehand. In most stock categories, the engine should be the least of your worries, as long as it is in good mechanical condition and doesn't exhibit any obvious signs of premature wear.

Burnin rubber 3 shock